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news of 2014

  1. nightwanker

    FIFA Ballon d'Or Cristiano Ronaldo win again 2014

    That Ronaldo guy is the golden boy again. What do you think? Well, reaching or even winning a World Cup Final isn't everything to achieve an individual award, but hell, it is a team Sport. Do you think Ronaldo is a team player? Any thoughts? Give me some World Cup 2014 Babes instead...
  2. MustBeGood

    AirAsia Plane Missing.

    Another one loss into the Indian Ocean. Search for missing AirAsia jet #QZ8501 bound for Singapore from Indonesia suspended https://sg.news.yahoo.com/contact-with-airasia-flight-qz8501-bound-for-singapore-from-surabaya-lost-033803688.html
  3. John_8581

    Joe Cocker has passed away! :(

    Joe Cocker has passed away! :angels: PCSDFKIQJ-I FoAO0851FwA bRzKUVjHkGk 4RnjWLVyMps
  4. Rey C.

    Joe Cocker dead at 70: Legendary singer passes away after long battle with lung cancer

    No matter what sort of music you like, you have to admit, this man was the true REAL DEAL. Another legend and iconic symbol of the 60's passes on. :hatsoff:
  5. SabrinaDeep

    Goodbye, Virna Lisi

    Nobody knows her here. I didn't either, until i got together with my husband and got "forced" to watch and know about the golden era of Italian cinema and its "actors" and, among others, i watched How to Murder Your Wife, starring the great Jack Lemmon and ...Virna Lisi. She died yesterday...
  6. Big Black Dick

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    What pornstar, and/or video made you pop your nut today? I came twice this morning. The first one was watching Becca Bratt blow Peter North. A little while later Isabella Pacino made me pop it while watching her get her ankles pinned back behind her ears and fucked by a big black cock...
  7. Concrete Cock

    The Sony Hacking E-Mail Thing-A-Ma-Jig Stuffs

    Sure is wrong but sure is fun to read. All these "courageous" Hollywood people rapid-firing apologies for things they truly believe. Sony Hack: Amy Pascal and Scott Rudin Joked About Obama's Race in Leaked Emails Sony leaks: Angeline Jolie called a 'minimally talented spoiled brat' Leonardo...
  8. AshleeNova

    Hot Sith Unboxes the New Lightsaber Design (And Loses a Finger)

    Hi Guys!! Any Star Wars fans on this forum? I'm so excited about The Force Awakens! As soon as I saw the new Sith lightsaber design, I turned green with envy: I had to have one. :yoda: Fap to me, you must!
  9. Luxman

    China has just overtaken the United States as the world’s largest economy

    Like all previous empires, when corruption driven by greed controls most of America's government and economy, these are the signs of decline and inevitable economic, political and social failure. http://www.vanityfair.com/business/2015/01/china-worlds-largest-economy
  10. sean miguel

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens

    The first teaser trailers have been released. I can't decide if I just creamed my pants or not: This one's a little more subtle:
  11. Concrete Cock

    The McRib Is Back At McDonald's!

    This has to be the worst sandwich ever. Tastes like a grilled sponge that got pulled outta the dishwater.
  12. assari

    Some women do not want constant attention from men

    ^ I think she is one of them.
  13. Luxman

    Approved therapy tested on autoimmune diseases

    Looks promising, and hopefully it won't take 50 billion dollars or 50 years to create a useful treatment. http://www.futurity.org/therapy-autoimmune-diseases-789352/
  14. tvstrip

    War against Terror in Canada just got real

    https://news.yahoo.com/uniformed-canadian-soldier-shot-at-ottawa-war-memorial-140825845.html The equivalent of a gunman shooting up the Capitol Building AND Shooting a soldier at any one of the war memorials across Washington. There was an actual gun battle inside Parliament while it was in...
  15. luis1972

    Penelope Cruz - Esquire - The sexiest woman alive 2014

    Penelope Cruz - Esquire - The sexiest woman alive 2014
  16. BusterLoads

    Snapchat Hack

    Another mass hack including 200,000 pics and supposed to be over 13 gigs. Glad I've never used this shit. http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/snapchat-hack-200000-self-destruct-nude-images-set-leak-snappening-1469418
  17. zeeblofowl_1969

    Coup in North Korea???

    Any thoughts???
  18. bahodeme

    Actor Charles Durning Dead at 89.

    What a lot of people do not know his military career (3 Purple Hearts, Silver & Bronze Star). Charles did not like to discuss it because as he put it "a lot of bad memories". He is also one of my favorite character actors. He played a priest in one low budget movie that had me in tears from...
  19. ApolloBalboa

    No more Saturday morning cartoons

    http://gizmodo.com/this-is-the-first-weekend-in-america-with-no-saturday-m-1642441646/+kellyconaboy This is sad. Another item of my childhood gone, and one that I'll have to explain to my kids someday, along with corded phones, video stores, and (inevitably) real-life newspapers. As much as...
  20. ClubSweethearts

    So it's true, semen is good for women!!!

    Who would've thouhgt :D Read on: http://club-s.com/site/view?slug=semen-is-good-for-women
  21. bahodeme

    "Jaws" Passes Away at 74.

  22. Ace Boobtoucher

    Jack the Ripper is Finally Positively Identified

    http://buzzpo.com/126-years-jack-ripper-finally-positively-identified/ I was kind of surprised it wasn't a royal, but there it is.
  23. Concrete Cock

    I Remember Miley Cyrus Being A Cute Kid

    Now look at her. Trash bag.
  24. sean miguel

    The fight against ISIS

    I know there's other threads where the subject has been discussed but this is beyond just going back into Iraq. This is Al-Qaeda on steroids and something we're going to be dealing with for the immediate future. I have to give President Obama credit; even though his critics on both sides of...
  25. T

    Massive celebrity nude photos leak. Why there's no discussion here

    Just found it in the news... It's crazy, a lot of celebs there think this one has got complete pack http://********************/ news brought by TMZ http://www.tmz.com/2014/08/31/jennifer-lawrence-nude-photos-leak/
  26. Ace Boobtoucher

    Sir Richard Attenborough has died

    http://news.yahoo.com/actor-director-richard-attenborough-dies-90-212939590.html So long, Dickie. We hardly knew ye.
  27. mikexmoran

    ALS Bucket Challenge

    Great campaign to bring awareness to a worthy cause. I'm hoping that everyone who participates is donating. Say what you want about George, I like Laura. ProfX/Capt. Picard kind of ends stops the virus cold.
  28. Frank Fire

    Actor Robin Williams found dead at home from apparent suicide.

    Robin Williams has committed suicide. The comedian killed himself in Tiburon, in Northern California. According to the Marin County Sheriff's Office ... authorities found William's body inside his home. They say he was found unresponsive. He was unconscious and not breathing and the coroner...
  29. georges

    Christy Mack / War Machine story

    http://www.tmz.com/2014/08/09/war-machine-christy-mack-beaten-badly-cant-speak-porn-mma/ Porn star Christy Mack can barely speak after the beating in which her boyfriend War Machine is the prime suspect ... TMZ has learned. As we previously reported ... police say War Machine was involved in a...
  30. Renegade1Oh

    Blues Guitarist Johnny Winter Dead At Age 70!

    I Missed This!! I love his playing Guitar with a slide & "Down Highway 61"!! Johnny You'll Be Missed!! R.I.P.!! http://www.latimes.com/local/obituaries/la-me-johnny-winter-20140718-story.html If You Never Listened To Johnny, Open A Tab Or Window And Enjoy...
  31. BlkHawk

    James Garner Passes Away

    Article here : http://www.cbsnews.com/news/james-garner-tv-and-movie-legend-dead-at-86/ One of my favorite actors The Great Escape, Rockford Files, Tank, Murphy's Romance, Space Cowboys, and many others. An actor I enjoyed in virtually all of his roles.
  32. Jagger69

    Malaysian 777 Shot Down by Missile over Ukraine; 295 Dead

    :eek: :facepalm: :eek: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2014/07/17/malaysian-airlines-crash-ukraine-russia/12779763/
  33. sean miguel

    Malaysian Passenger Airliner crashes in Ukraine

    http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/17/world/europe/ukraine-malaysia-airlines-crash/index.html?c=mobile-homepage-t Early reports from Interfax that it was shot down at altitude by a surface-to-air missile.
  34. alexpnz

    Comedian Tracy Morgan Fighting For His Life.

    Damn, happened right down the Turnpike. Just seen him on that Don Rickels roast the other day.... http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/07/showbiz/tracy-morgan-hospitalized/
  35. Jagger69

    70 Years Ago Today

    Not many of them left but their heroism will live into perpetuity. http://www.army.mil/d-day/
  36. SabrinaDeep

    Subway Have Removed Ham and Bacon From Their Menus to Appease Muslims!

    I better start buying a burka as long as prices are low. We're getting rotten. We're almost there. Allahu Akbar! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2616576/Subway-removes-ham-pork-nearly-200-stores-strong-demand-Muslims-eat-Halal-meat.html http://www.britainfirst.org/boycott-subway/
  37. Will E Worm

    Soylent Green is people

    Article :facepalm:
  38. C

    R.I.P. Billy Glide

    Found out about his passing from someone I never knew was a mutual friend until the mutual friend posted something on his Facebook page. Guess "Billy" helped a friend move Saturday. The friend's pet rattlesnake (NEVER a good idea for a pet) bit Billy. Billy didn't get any treatment and went to...
  39. SFW

    College freshman, outed as casting couch porn actress, commits suicide

  40. K

    500-year-old mystery: Wreck off Haiti may be Columbus' flagship Santa Maria

  41. nightwanker

    'Alien' Designer H. R. Giger dies

    http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/culture/Alien_creator_H.R._Giger_is_dead.html?cid=38569780 http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/alien-creator-hr-giger-dies-aged-74-1448313 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._R._Giger
  42. nightwanker

    The Wiener takes it all - Conchita Wurst wins Eurovision 2014

    Viennese ("Wiener") singer Conchita Wurst wins Eurovision Song Contest 2014 Have a look! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conchita_Wurst http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&safe=off&q=%22conchita+wurst%22 Man, I like this headline. It is more than ambiguous.
  43. SabrinaDeep

    Girls From Dutch Band ADAM Sing While Having An Orgasm

    Brilliant viral idea, amusing stunt. Now, which one is Petra? :D
  44. J

    Porn dead in America: Operation Choke Point. Paypal blocked too.

    As the subject changed too much from the last thread I decided to make another. Given what's going on, I can't see what future Porn has in the USA. I figure the tallent will have to migrate to Cananda/Europe as they'll always be a demand for it. Loss for America I guess. Since porn stars can...
  45. Xombie3000

    RIP Bob Hoskins (1942-2014)

    http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/01/movies/bob-hoskins-british-actor-dies-at-71.html?_r=0 Very sad to hear about such a fine actor passing away. He will be missed.
  46. Rey C.

    Porn Star Megan Jones Arrested On Animal Cruelty Charges - Are Fetish Videos Going Too Far?

    While I enjoy the occasional glance at things off the beaten path, it really seems like a lot of the sites on places like Clips4Sale are close to crossing the line when it comes to fetishes. As much as people whined, cried, pissed and moaned about Max Hardcore, there is stuff on Clips4Sale and...
  47. chicodusto

    JPMorgan Chase closing the accounts of pornstars for "MORAL REASONS"

    JPMorgan Chase is currently closing the accounts of all adult industry members that bank with them. They're apparently doing this for "moral reasons". Which is strange because this is a bank that launders drug cartel money, regularly violates SEC regulations, and helped cripple the American...
  48. Luxman

    Windows XP - How to continue living the XPerience !!!

  49. C

    Ultimate warrior dead!!!!

  50. Vanilla Bear

    RIP Peaches Geldof - Dead at age 25!

    Wow this sad news! Don't know much about Peaches Geldof, but it's shocking when someone dies so young. http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/live-peaches-geldof-dead---3385691